Monday, June 5, 2017

Fwd: Meu Filhinhozão

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Seraphin Decker <>
Date: July 13, 2015 at 8:30:20 AM PDT
To: Robin Decker <>, D Decker <>
Subject: Meu Filhinhozão

YEAHHHHHH So I just wanna start out by saying that this world is tiny. My "son" knows the Harris family. For those of you who know the Harris' they are like my second family. We met them in Indiana when we were living there then everyone moved away. They moved to Cali and met Elder Teasley there. They are super good friends and I'm training him. WHAAAAAT. Super cool. We get along super well which sometimes isn't good because we like all of the same things so we speak alot of english sometimes. It's hard not to speak english but I have to help him pick up this language. He played football in highschool and he's gonna try and walk on at BYU after his mission. But obviously he's super cool, like father like son ;)

So that's the big news for this week, my son. He's a boss, we're gonna do big things here in Dias Davila. I'm still living with the same other 2 elders and Elder Dutson is training too so we call ourselves "The Stay At Home Dad's" Elder Dutson is a little anxious and super nervous. He was gonna go home the last transfer but decided to stay one more. It's hard for me to imagine what life will be like after my mission, I feel like I don't know how to do anything else other than talk about Christ and ask people for referrals ha. But I love this work with all my heart.

Someone tell all the primary thank you for their letters that they all sent me ! Those are my heroes ! I promise I'll write back when I have time ha.

At this transfer meeting, the mission presidents wife spoke about one of my favorite people that ever lived....Paul...she talked about how sometimes we think we are sinning because our weaknesses are showing or that we are inadequate because of our weaknesses. And it's kind of funny because I look up to Paul a lot and he saw himself as weak. But what made him strong was that he found his knees and pleaded to Heavenly Father for help. That is what made him strong. That is why he became one of the greatest missionaries and disciples of Christ. Paul had to find his knees day after day after day after day and I think it's meant to be that way. So that we have to search out our Father in heaven every single day. So that we can feel him at our side every moment of our lives. He promised us that He and His Father will never leave us, so let's not leave him and make him have to take on our sins and weaknesses alone. He's already walked alone once. The sacrifice of our Lord and Savior does a lot more than erase sins. A big weakness I have is fasting...I have a really hard time fasting and as a missionary I've been fasting a lot and a lot of times I've just been starving myself because of my attitude during my fast. But a simple prayer goes a very long way. And The Lord has been able to work miracles in lives through us missionaries because we've been able to obey the law of the fast, serving our brothers and sisters here in Bahia, Brasil.

Élder Serph Alain Decker
        Missão Brasil Salvador 
A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos
            Dos Ultimos Dias

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